His Pitbull Dove Into The Water. What He Finds Next? That Is UNBELIEVABLE…

Dogs are one of those few creatures that can be used for almost anything; babysitting, tracking and detection, therapy, hunting, herding, etcetera. According to this video, they are quite good at fishing as well. This cool clip shows two handsome pitbulls running through a river and catching incredibly large salmons with unexpected ease.

The owner of the dogs writes in the video that he was not present when this footage was filmed. His friend was looking after his dogs and she took them to the river where she recorded this. He says that he normally wouldn’t have allowed his dogs to do this as he thinks this behavior is not healthy for the natural habitat of the fish. The fishes were eventually thrown back into the river at the end so that they could die natural deaths.

Watch this fascinating video and don’t forget to share your thoughts about it in the comments section! We’d love to hear from you!

His Pitbull Dove Into The Water. What He Finds Next? That Is UNBELIEVABLE...

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