Gretzky Sees His Reflection In The Mirror For The First Time And It Is Hilarious

Gretzky Sees His Reflection In The Mirror For The First Time And It Is Hilarious

Humans have been using mirrors, of some kind or other, for several thousand years. For us, they are the most commonplace items in our home. But such a perfect reflection is not often experienced in nature.

In order to create a mirror with an exact reflection, the surface has to be perfectly smooth, and that is not something commonly found in nature. This is why when dogs and other animals come across a mirror for the first time, they can be completely blown away.

It’s always funny to see a puppy come across a mirror for the very first time, and this video doesn’t disappoint. Watch as the pitbull named Gretzky in this video, tries to work out why this strange new dog is in the house.

This puppy’s reaction makes for a beautiful video. Check out Gretzky’s hilarious reaction to his reflection in the mirror. Talk about confusion – it sure is funny to watch, though. Have a giggle; click on the video below.

Gretzky Sees His Reflection In The Mirror For The First Time And It Is Hilarious

Home » Dogs » Gretzky Sees His Reflection In The Mirror For The First Time And It Is Hilarious