The Minskin Is an Adorable Miniature Cat Breed that Stays Kitten-Like Forever

Minskins are a new breed of cat, one that crosses the best parts of the Munchin with the best parts of the Sphynx. They look like kittens and have short, little legs that keep them low to the ground.

If you like kittens, this is the cat for you! The Minskin is an adorable miniature cat breed that stays kitten-like forever. These playful creatures are a relatively new breed, having first been bred in 1989.

The Minskin is a cross between a Munchkin and a Sphynx, with traits from the Devon Rex and the Balinese. They are open, friendly cats with a sparse coat that needs weekly bathing. They are great with other cats, dogs, and especially kids. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have to go find us a breeder.

The Minskin Is an Adorable Miniature Cat Breed that Stays Kitten-Like Forever

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