Tiny Hedgehog And Big Dog Form The Most Unlikely Friendship

Tiny Hedgehog And Big Dog Form The Most Unlikely Friendship

Are you one of those people who thought that hedgehogs couldn’t have a social life because they have sharp needles on their backs? Hmmm. Well, if you are, be prepared to acknowledge that you are in the wrong.

Hedgehogs can be very friendly and goofy too. Just take a look at these two in our video below, and you’ll get it. The African pygmy hedgehog is named Poki-Hontas, and she’s just all sorts of adorable. Her canine buddy is Nimbus and he is just a perfect giant ball of white fluff.

Watching Poki play with that rolled up bit of paper cardboard is so funny. Nimbus has no idea what the silly hedgehog is doing but appears to be quite used to her silly antics. Towards the end, you can see that Nimbus and Poki have become best friends. And how could you not want Poki as a friend?

Don’t miss this sweet little video below. Poki is just hilarious and is clearly great entertainment around the house. She and her fabulous fluffy canine buddy are just perfect together.

Tiny Hedgehog And Big Dog Form The Most Unlikely Friendship

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