Icar The Army Dog Runs Reunites With Fellow Soldier After 3 Years Apart…

When Vance MacFarland was sent overseas as part of his duty in the army, he was able to bring his dog with him. His dog is a trained tactical dog, and he was a part of home for this soldier. MacFarland was a dog handler in the army, and he was able to spend his time overseas with his dog. But when it was his turn to come home, Icar was only able to come home with him until they landed at Fort Bragg.

After more than 3 years since the two were together they were reunited, but they clearly did not forget each other. When they were reunited, they immediately felt the connection they shared, and MacFarland was ecstatic to bring his dog home.

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Icar The Army Dog Runs Reunites With Fellow Soldier After 3 Years Apart...

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