A cat customer is given delectable meat by a grocery clerk

A wonderfully patient and well-behaved cat is treated like any old customer as a deli. Standing on his hind legs he peers hungrily at all the various meats before him.

On the other side of the glass, a grocery clerk talks to him, asking him what he would like to have. The cat is a bit confused since there are so many great choices.

He watches as the clerk presents meat after meat. Each one seems so perfect and delicious. How is any cat supposed to make a choice like this?

The cat meows at the pieces of meat being held up near his view. He wants each one, but he doesn’t have the money to pay. Then he starts to worry he won’t be able to get any at all.

After seeing a lot of the products he begins to point at the one he wants. The grocery clerk looks satisfied and begins to unwrap the meat.

The man is kind enough to actually slice it for him and give it to him for free. He dropped it for him over the counter so he could easily reach it.

The cat was overjoyed with the food and the man’s kindness. He will definitely be visiting this deli more often now.

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A cat customer is given delectable meat by a grocery clerk

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