After Being In Chains For Most Of Her Life, This Dog Found True Love… OMG

Every animal lover knows that all dogs deserve to have a permanent home that suits them and gives them everything they need. Sadly, this isn’t the reality for many stray pups who still roam the streets struggling to survive, to this day. And to add to that, there’s also the dogs who do have an owner, but who stays being exactly that, someone who views them as property and not as a partner, and they do irresponsible things such as keeping them in chains for long periods of time.

The dog featured in the video above, named Sarah, went through this very same abuses in her past life. She lived almost all her life chained to a pole, and she was badly neglected by her previous owner. Sarah was ill at the time of her rescue, because of all the hardships that her irresponsible owner did, and she had already lost the trust she had for humans.

Thankfully, Good Samaritans went to her rescue and took her away from that horrible eye. She was in extremely bad shape, and was very wary of people, but they were determined to help her out and give her all she needed.

Watch this amazing rescue story till the end, in the video above!

After Being In Chains For Most Of Her Life, This Dog Found True Love... OMG

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