7 Pound Pup Thinks His Baby Sister’s Life Is In Danger… Now Watch What He Does To Protect Her.

Eekichi has been groomed his whole life, but he’s never been terribly fond of the blow dryer — few dogs are.  Trust me. But he takes it in stride and Eekichi  always handsomely  rewarded with lots of love and treats after a good wash and dry.

But when it comes to his baby sister, Eekichi can never be too careful. HE LOVES HER and he is very protective! So when he hears the blow dryer, he immediately runs to his sister’s side.  He doesn’t even think about his own safety! Brave dog! 🙂

Even though Eekichi is weighs just 7lbs, he he has a brave heart! This tiny toy poodle is trying to protect his human sister daughter from the dog grooming blow dryer, acting as a shield. :)Watch this cute clip above. Aren’t they adorable? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

7 Pound Pup Thinks His Baby Sister\'s Life Is In Danger... Now Watch What He Does To Protect Her.

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