Man Puts Dog Into Baby Swing At Playground. What Happens When He Pushes? So Adorable.

People do all kinds of things with their dogs, ranging from strapping them to water skis to having them ride a skateboard. It’s a new way for them to experience play time aside from the usual run-and-fetch routine. There’s apparently a sort-of new thing for them to do: put their doggies in a swing and just push them back and forth. We see that in action with this video of a man and his dog.

The video starts with a man picking up a lab mix named Sara. He picks her up and puts her in a toddler swing at a playground. Then he starts pushing her back and forth. At first she’s just kind of ‘ho-hum’ about it. Her reaction seems to be ‘so this is what humans like to do. Eh.’ Then after a few more times back and forth, she’s clearly having fun, her mouth is open and her tongue is sticking out.

I don’t know what it is about dogs and swings, but they seem to love it. There are SO many more of these types of videos out there. The dogs are all different sizes, too. Sara is fairly big, so she fits in well, but there are the little ones like Yorkies and Chihuahuas and there are also larger ones like a fully-grown Wheaton Terrier. I think trying to do one with a Great Dane would be tempting the fates to break the chains.

Maybe it’s just the back and forth motion or the new viewpoint that makes the pooches happy. I haven’t seen ONE video where the dog goes nuts in a bad way. Maybe behind the scenes when they first try, but it looks like they all accept it. Now imagine trying to put a cat in a swing like this – I think I’d still be bleeding from the scratches if I tried to do that with my cats. There are some videos out there, but the cats are either sleeping or trying to bite the sides of the swing.

What an adorable scenario! I was oohing and aahing the whole time. What did you think? Be sure to leave a comment below!

Man Puts Dog Into Baby Swing At Playground. What Happens When He Pushes? So Adorable.

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