This Boxer Is Really Upset With His Owner, And Watch How He Shows His Frustration

Dogs can really act like humans sometimes, specifically like spoiled toddlers when they don’t get their way. But we don’t care and we love them anyway. The love, care, and compassion they show for their owners is something to watch out for and be thankful for. They care for their owners and get excited when their owner comes home. And yes, along with that, dogs even argue with their owner! You will see an excellent example of this in this video.

This boxer is angry with his owner because he tells him it is time to leave. It seems like this boxer wanted to spend more time in the dog park, but his dad decided it was time to go home and doesn’t want any argument from his dog. And during their return, they had a huge argument, a real one! He is trying to complain but dad isn’t having any of it and doesn’t give in. He is taking this dog home no matter what. And this upset dog gives him an earful! Fortunately for us, his owner had the presence of mind to record the argument so we could all see it and have a laugh.

I really thought he was talking back to his owner. It is really amusing to see these animals behaving like a real human.

Check out this video. You will be rolling on the floor when you will see this pup arguing with his owner. Feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section. We’d love to hear from you!

This Boxer Is Really Upset With His Owner, And Watch How He Shows His Frustration

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