When They Decided To Adopt This Rescue Dog They Had No Idea How It Would Help Their Son…

In the YouTube description for this video it says: ‘This video was produced by the ASPCA and was debuted at the Awards Ceremony on Nov. 21 2013 – Xena, The Warrior Puppy ASPCA Dog of the Year!’

Jonny Hickey was born with autism. He’s struggled with anxiety and other issues that have made Jonny’s life very difficult. The entire Hickey family was effected by Jonny’s struggles and they worked hard to make life easier for Jonny.

But their life was about to change. When Jonny’s mother was a story on the news about a dog that had been horribly abused and neglected, she went right out and adopted the dog. Xena came home to the Hickey family and has had a profound effect on everyone!

When They Decided To Adopt This Rescue Dog They Had No Idea How It Would Help Their Son...

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