He Got Hit By A Train And Lost His Legs. But It’s What Happened Next That Made Me Cry…

Animal Aid Unlimited is an animal rescue organization that has been working for the benefit and wellbeing of helpless and injured street animals. This organization is located in Rajasthan, India and every year it is responsible for the rescue of thousands of stranded animals. This organization does so much with so few resources and their efforts really have to be commended.

This story accounts the recovery of a dog named Joy that was hit by a train and ended up losing both of his front legs. The poor dog’s legs had been complete separated from his body. The people from Animal Aid Unlimited came to his rescue and took him in. They first treated his legs as best they could, and then worked to get him strong enough for surgery.

During his recovery, when the aid workers pet him, you can see him close his eyes and feel loved for the first time. He relishes in their loving touch. And over the days Joy became stronger and had surgery to amputate one of his legs and repair what was left of the other one.

Every day he got stronger and was learning to walk on his two back legs. His tail wagged the entire time and he loved the attention from the rescue workers. He recovered physically and emotionally from that horrible tragedy that befell him. His strength will make you smile! What an amazing brave little dog.

Watch this beautiful recovery video of Joy below! He sort of looks like a baby kangaroo now doesn’t he? Let us know your thoughts about this story in the comments!

He Got Hit By A Train And Lost His Legs. But It\'s What Happened Next That Made Me Cry...

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