Labrador Tries Desperately Not To Get Wet Getting Toy Out Of Pool And Hilariously Fails

Labrador Tries Desperately Not To Get Wet Getting Toy Out Of Pool And Hilariously Fails

Some dogs, as we know, absolutely LOVE to play in water – be it a bath, a pool, a pond, or even the ocean. Many dogs are surprisingly the opposite and will go to all lengths to avoid a sprinkler. Labradors are known to be water lovers, though. Apparently, someone didn’t give that information to the Lab in the video just below.

This beautiful Labrador has dropped his toy into the pool in his backyard. And this fellow does NOT want to get wet to get his beloved toy back. So, he has a dilemma. He leans in, as close as he can, and he paddles at the water with one paw.

This doesn’t get him very far, so he leans in a little bit more. He keeps doing this. Stretching a little more each time, but the toy manages to keep eluding his reach. Now, each time he brings his paw back, he drips a little water on the side of the pool – see where I am going with this?

Sure enough, this unlucky and soon-to-be-soaked Lab leans in a little too far and slips on the wet side of the pool. You can literally see the irritation on his face as he is falling in (what a shame this wasn’t caught in Slow-Mo). He grabs his toy and swims to the stairs in this abrupt, but hilarious, ending before stomping out of the pool and around to the other side.

This is such a funny video. Please have a watch of this adorable Labrador doing all he can to get his toy out of the pool and remain dry. We have posted the video for you just below.

Labrador Tries Desperately Not To Get Wet Getting Toy Out Of Pool And Hilariously Fails

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