Compassionate man reunites rescued stray pup with her brothers

Takis got a call about 3 stray puppies, but he only found one of them when he arrived at the scene. The puppy he saw was surrounded by trash and couldn’t run.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

Apparently, a car hit the tiny puppy, and her right paw was wounded. Takis saw that there was still some blood, and he comforted the injured dog.

He then carried her gently and brought her to his car. The puppy’s siblings were nowhere to be seen. Eventually, Takis brought her to the shelter so she could get better.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

The adorable puppy was given the name Kamila. She happily ate and drank the food and water given to her. Under the shelter’s care, she was able to recover quickly.

Kamila’s leg wound was getting better, and thankfully nothing was broken. Takis said that soon she would be able to run around as fast as she wanted.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

After some time, trackers were able to find Kamila’s siblings. At first, they were scared, and Takis did his best to show them there was nothing to be afraid of.

When Kamila saw her two siblings, she wagged her tail so quickly. The three dogs were happy and relaxed under the watch of Takis. He is genuinely a kind and loving human, and he hopes to find lovely homes for all of them.

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Compassionate man reunites rescued stray pup with her brothers

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