Friesian horse and Dartmoor pony are in love but cannot be together

Inside a building where horses and ponies are kept, an interesting relationship is formed between a pony and a horse. Their bond grows into love and they must be kept apart.

Despite their forbidden love, they do what they can to spend time together. Johnny the Dartmoor pony is kept inside, separated from his love Frieda, a Friesian horse.

She sticks her head through the bars so they can touch noses and smell each other. This is how they can be together despite the barriers that keep them apart.

Apparently, Frieda is destined to be with an appropriate stud while they are building a meadow for Johnny. They hope Johnny can find a new love for himself as well.

Johnny does what he can with the space that he is given. He trots around for Frieda, even standing on his hind legs in order to impress her. She seems thoroughly impressed.

There is a lot of frustration in Johnny, he does want to get out so he can be with Frieda. The best they can do is take each other in and that’s exactly what they do.

While they may never be paired together, at least they have these heartwarming moments where they can touch noses and take each other’s scents in.

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Friesian horse and Dartmoor pony are in love but cannot be together

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